Tim Abdiukov

Tim Abdiukov

30 Aug 2023


.class extraction

βeta version

The guide is mainly based on the previous private research.

Tools used

Click here to jump to answer!

Researching TrID

  1. Download TrIDNet + TrID XML Defs
  2. Extract TrIDNet
  3. Extract TrID XML Defs in the same folder as TrIDNet
  4. Run TrIDNet. It will take some time (~1-2 minutes) to index Defs
  5. Test run: Run TrIDNet against any known file. In this example, C:\Data\flirt.zip. Observe successful detection. Hence, we can conclude that TrIDNet is functional.
  6. Use TrIDNet against a known .class file. For example, against an example KKM.class . Observe successful detection of Java Bytecode,
  7. Double-click on the arrow on the left for a more detailed result. Take note of the Def used, in this case, \defs\j\java-class.trid.xml
  8. Examine \defs\j\java-class.trid.xml. We are only interested in the bits below.
  9. Notice that the Pattern is: CAFEBABE00 at pos 0 and 00 at pos 6. If I take the liberty of saying that XX means (anything at all), then our pattern is,
    00 01 02 03 04 05 06
    CA FE BA BE 00 XX 00

Bonus step: Let’s ask ChatGPT 4 about it!

Hi, I have the following information, (java-class.trid.xml contents). This is the data from file that contains filetype definitions for TrIDNet, a file identifier tool. I have 3 questions,

  1. Based on file contents, what filetype is being described
  2. Based on file contents, how exactly is this filetype being detected? Please explain technicalities of this definition in language humans can easily understand.

Result, 3a3c3bd160e6f2893ff8e7db9a15fc50.png

And obviously, this result is in line with my conclusions.

But CAFE BABE is not so simple


HexWalk sometimes can detect CAFE BABE as “Mach-O binary”,

It turns out that HexWalk’s detection is not exactly a fluke. Mach-O is an executable file format, used in 1990s NeXTSTEP, macOS and iOS – in Apple Operating Systems that is!

Mach-O supports multiple architectures. Mach-O 4 arch implies that the supposed executable is made for 4 architectures.

2022 comes to rescue

This brilliant 2022 StackOverflow discussion is about this exact topic,


Both Java .class files and Mach-O fat binaries have the same magic signature, 0xCAFEBABE. When reading binary files, what’s a good way to disambiguate?


Here’s Apple take on this: https://opensource.apple.com/source/file/file-80.40.2/file/magic/Magdir/cafebabe.auto.html

Here’s a visual comparison:


So it seems currently Apple does the

(int32 at offset4) < 0x20 

Since even Apple calls it a hack unfortunately there’s no 100% reliable method, but it seems that’s your best shot. You can always be dealing with malformed (deliberately or not) fat Mach-o files or Java class files which may or may not be relevant for your use case.

In other words, (if we count from 1 in the post, and given the context): if the second-from-the-start set of 4 bytes is:

  • Less than 32, then it is a Mach-O header
    • Therefore, Mach-O necessitates 00 00 00 XX syntax
  • Greater or equal to 32, then it is a Java class header
    • Since Java class’s second-from-the-start set of 4 bytes must be 00 XX 00 XX, either the second byte must be greater than 0, or the fourth byte must be greater than 32,
  • Anything else: invalid case
And even before 2022 – Aug 2020


This ambiguity between Java class and Mach-O prompted a request for update of TrID – a tool I rely on to detect file extensions.


If I take the liberty of saying that XX means (anything at all), then the .class file header must,

  1. Have the following syntax/pattern,

    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
    CA FE BA BE 00 XX 00 XX
  2. Satisfy at least one of the following conditions,
    i. Byte 0x05 must be greater than 0,
    ii. Byte 0x07 must be greater or equal to 32 (0x20 ).

To be researched further. It appears that the last bytes are not always completely NULL-padded.

However, generally, extracting more is safer than extracting less, as additional data is usually ignored, unused, warned about, or just truncated by whatever is interpreting it.

Java Decompilers Online (or their offline counterparts, such Kali Linux’s jd) can be used for information verification purposes.

Tim Abdiukov